Masses for the week in Ballymore: Monday Tuesday Thursday & Friday 10am. Saturday 7pm Sunday 10am.
Viatores Christi Overseas Volunteers required
Volunteer Physios, PE Teachers, Farmers, IT Trainers, Social Workers, Mediation/Community Dev Workers, Carpenters, Builders, Accountants required for placements on Missions in Africa, SE Asia and the Caribbean. No previous overseas experience required and no upper age limit! Volunteer training programme begins 21st September in Dublin – open to all!
Contact Viatores Christi +353-1-8689986 or email: for more info. 8 New Cabra Road Phibsboro, Dublin 7
Last Week’s Family Envelope Collection:€174
Share Collection: €195
Thank you very much
Please Pray for:
Recently Deceased
Mrs Kathleen Boland
Months Mind
Eddie Whelan
This Week’s Anniversaries :
Saturday 7.00pm
Dan Finn (22nd Ann & 100th Birthday Remembrance Late of Coughlanstown)
Mona Nugent (10th Ann Late of Briencan)
John Smith (17th Ann Late of Poulaphouca)
Jim Quinn (26th Ann)
Anne (Nan) & Billy Gorman
John Judy & Jack Lawlor
Sunday 10.00am
Dan Finn (22nd Ann & 100th Birthday Remembrance Late of Coughlanstown)
Paul Roche (1st Ann)
Anne Roche (Wife of Paul)
Jim Quinn (26th Ann)
John Mcloughlin (Late of Tinnycross)
Pope to TV journalists: 16/9/2019
Pope Francis said “local news is no less important than national news”. It is actually more genuine and authentic because it communicates “the voice of the people”, in all aspects of peoples’ social, cultural and spiritual life.
More than ever, we need news to be communicated completely and thoughtfully, “so as to encourage reflection”.
Good globalization “unites us, and can help us to be members of one another”, he said while harmful globalization, makes everyone the same, rather than valuing diversities, cultures, histories and traditions.
The Pope returned to the image of the sphere and the polyhedron: “in the sphere everything is equal, uniform, each point is equidistant from the centre, there are no differences.”. In the polyhedron “there is coherence but also diversity, a variety of positions”. The polyhedron best reflects the nature and variety of regional news. “Regional information comes from the territory with a very precise mission, which is expressed in two directions”. “The first is to immerse itself in the everyday, in local reality, made up of people, events, projects, problems and hopes”. The second is to transmit that reality to a wider audience. It also means giving “voice to poverty, challenges, and local emergencies”, as well as to “testimonies of faith”. The Pope concluded by encouraging television journalists and staff to continue telling the stories, and making known “those authentic realities that are still found in many corners of Italy: realities that do not give in to indifference, that do not