Masses for the week in Ballymore: Monday Tuesday Thursday & Friday 10am. Saturday 7pm Sunday 10am.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorie
29 August to 5 September (€675).
Contact: Teresa Kane 046 9486983/087 9657299
Irish Hospice Foundation
Cake sale in the Resource Centre Sat 25th May after 7pm Mass and Sunday 26th May after 10am Mass.
Security in the Home
Last Week’s Family Envelope Collection:€220
Ministry Sunday Collection: €455
Thank you very much
Please Pray for:
Recently Deceased
This Week’s Anniversaries :
Saturday 7.00pm
Kathleen Doonan (5th Ann)
Anne Langan (12th Ann)
Frank Murphy
Julia Murphy
Bridget Murphy
Kathleen Headon (53rd Ann) Late Sillagh
Sunday 10.00am
Brigid O Byrne (nee Whelan 6 Mths Ann)
Kathleen Doonan (5th Ann)
Kathleen Headon (53rd Ann) Late Sillagh
Courage to call “Father” 22/5/2019
The Pope noted that Christian prayer that is “born of the audacity to call God by the name of ‘Father’”, expresses a “filial intimacy” into which we are introduced by the grace of the Holy Spirit. He cited a few examples from the New Testament where the various expressions of Jesus’ prayers recall the text of the “Our Father”.
In Mark’s Gospel, when Jesus prays, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will”, we discover His filial trust in the Father amidst the darkness, fear and anguish of the night of Gethsemane, where He asks that the Father’s will be fulfilled.
Elsewhere, Jesus teaches his disciples to cultivate a spirit of prayer that is insistent, but especially that bears the memory of our brothers and sisters, especially when we have difficult relationships with them.
In this regard, Jesus says in Mark’s Gospel, “When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance, so that your heavenly Father may in turn forgive you your transgressions.