The Bell – 14th April 2019

Masses for the week in Ballymore:  Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10am Holy Thursday 8pm Good  Friday 3pm  Celebration of the Lords Passion & Holy Communion 8pm Stations of the Cross  Saturday 9pm Easter Vigil  Easter Sunday 10am.

 Pilgrimage to Medjugorie

29 August to 5 September (€675).

Contact: Teresa Kane 046 9486983/087 9657299

Trocaire Lenten Campaign

Trocaire Boxes are available in the Church porches for households who would like to support the work of Trocaire during Lent.   The focus this Lent is to help families in Lebanon, Uganda & Guatemala

Last Week’s Family Envelope Collection:€295.60

Share  Collection: €270

Thank you very much


Please Pray for:

Recently Deceased

This Week’s Anniversaries :

Saturday 7.00pm

Peter & Margaret McLoughlin (Late of Truce Road)

Mick & Mary Fisher (Late of Bishopshill)

Peter Lawlor

Sunday 10.00am

Pat Byrne (Late of Swordlestown)

The Iona Institute

Anti–Catholicism in Ireland, a talk given by David Quinn,

Davenport Hotel, 8-10 Merrion Street Lr.

Wednesday 24 April 2019 at 8pm.

Admission Free.

Pope Francis on the Daily Need for Forgiveness General Audience 10 APRIL 2019
‘Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us’It isn’t just bread that people need each day; it also is forgiveness.“After asking God for daily bread, the ‘Our Father’ prayer enters the area of our relations with others,” the Pope stressed.   “The Christian who prays asks God, first of all, to forgive his trespasses, his sins, the bad things he does.   Even if we were perfect, even if we were crystalline saints who never deflect from a life of goodness, we always remain children who owe all to the Father.”The Pope referred to the parable where the Pharisee thanks God that he isn’t like others, is not one of the robbers, evildoers, adulterers.   But Jesus points out that the other man in the parable – who admitted being a sinner and begged God’s forgiveness – was the one who went away justified before God.“The most dangerous attitude for us is pride where one puts himself before God thinking that he always has his accounts with Him in order.“Those who think they are perfect and criticize others are proud people.   Not one of us is perfect.”The Pope said “there are sins that are seen and sins that are unseen and sins that nest in the heart and the worst of these is pride”.“We are debtors because we have received so much in life.   Even if we go through difficult days, we must always remember that life is a grace, a miracle.“Even if we succeed in loving, we can only do so with God’s grace.   None of us shines with his/her own light.” 

The Bell – 14th April 2019

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