The Bell – 8th March 2020

Masses for the week in Ballymore:  Monday Tuesday Thursday & Friday 10am.  Saturday 7pm Sunday 10am.

Parish Priest: Fr Joe Connolly 

Parish office:045 864114

Rota for Readers in the Month of March

Saturday 14th March Clare Doyle @ 7pm.

Sunday    15th March Bridget Henry @ 10 am.

Tuesday   17th (St Patrick’s Day) Liam Lawlor @10.00am. 

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Dear Parishioners if interested in travelling to Lourdes in Early September, please leave your name and contact details, to Fr Joe Connolly the Parish Office. Phone No 045 864114 or contact Maureen Evans.  087 9825971

Last Week’s Family Envelope Collection:€359.00

Share  Collection:€240.00

Thank you very much 


Please Pray for:

Recently Deceased

This Week’s Anniversaries :

Saturday 7.00pm

Rita O Rourke (1st Ann)

John & William Murphy (Late of Bawnouges)

Mark Doyle (9th Ann)

Joan Browne 

Katie Osbourne

Sunday 10.00am

Rita O Rourke (1st Ann)

Tommy Byrne (21st Ann)

Kathleen Toomey (4th Ann Late of Blakestown)

Shay Mills (3rd Ann Late of Glashina)

Pilgrimage to Medjugorie 

26 August to 2 September 2020 (€745)

Contact: Teresa Kane 087 9657299

Pilgrimage to Knock

A Pilgrimage of Hope, Healing and Reflection on Saturday 25th April 2020. Time: 11.00am to 4.30pm.  All enquiries to:

Brannoxtown Community National School

Open Day for pupils enrolling across all classes for 2020/2021, takes place on Wednesday 29th April.  Sessions are 1-2pm  6-7pm  for more information   Phone  045  483729.