Eucharist is one of the central tenants of our faith. We believe that jesus is truly present in the sacrament of his body and blood. It is the nourishment for all Christians to live fully as a disciple of Jesus. First penance is part of the childs preparation.
First Holy communion for our children is part of their growth in faith. It’s a wonderful and joyful celebration that announces the fact that they are ready to take the second step in becoming a follower of Jesus.
The Process
- The Parents are asked to request First Communion for their child with the request form.
- They must produce the child’s Baptismal cert.
- The families are asked to participate in the ‘Do this in memory programme’
- First communion generally takes place in the month of May, and leading up to the celebration monthly masses take place in the church from October to April.
- If you would like to help at these masses could you please ring the parish office: 045-564114